Reading and Writing Feedback


When a student goes through school they learn how to read and write from day one. Reading and writing, are both tasks that are crucial in everyday life. For a person to be able to do anything in life now a day, they must know how to read and write. They are both abilities that take time to learn and develop. They are never something a student or person can learn overnight. It takes years to develop proper reading and writing skills. It is something that a student must work at, and strive hard to keep growing in. These skills will help a student to grow and change into a better worker. They are the kind of skills that an employer expects to be perfected in the job field.

Before getting a job though, a student must pass all their classes and graduate form college first. Along with reading and writing comes studying and keeping passing grades. For that to happen a student must plan their time thoroughly, and use it wisely. Teachers and schools are always pushing students to do better with their writing and reading, and to always challenge themselves. This push can sometimes cause a student to do better, or to do worse sometimes, but one thing that can help with that is getting a “second pair of eyes”. Some might wonder what I mean by this. What I mean by getting a “second pair of eyes,” is that after writing a paper for any class, it is good to have another person proof read it and check the paper. The reason for this, is because a student does not always have an abundance of time to re-read their paper a million times, to make sure that everything is right in the paper. Plus, a student will not always catch something that might be misspelled or a grammatical error, if they have read the same paper over and over many times. A person’s eyes sometimes start to skip over mistakes if they get tired, or look at the same paragraph multiple times. It is always important for a student to get help on a paper when they need it. If a student does not get help right away, they might forget and turn in the paper unrevised.

Many colleges have resources that will help their students to succeed. A school always want to have the most top notch students that they can get, so they provide resources that will help their students to do their best work. The University of Indianapolis provides many resources for its students to use, to get better at reading and writing. One source that the college provides for students is the writing lab. The highlighted blue print that says writing lab, will take a student to the University of Indianapolis website, and to a tab called writing lab under the student page.  This tab then gives all the students at Uindy the hours and dates that the writing lab is open for them to use. This lab is a place where a student who is struggling or needs their paper revised can go. There are students in there that specialize is writing and reading. This allows a student opportunities to correct and fix their work, before they turn it in for a final grade.

Another resource that is helpful with reading and writing a research paper is the KML database. This link, which a student can find by going to the University of Indianapolis and clicking on the page that says library, can get a student to the online library database. This database can assist a student in writing their paper, and finding reliable sources. It allows a student to have books at their fingertips, whenever a student might need a book. It allows a student easy access to a wide variety of books without having to run around the library. This database comes in handy when a student needs to find a specific topic for a paper and cannot find it. It allows them to have all books relating to a topic on one page.

These are both sources that I would suggest to any student on campus. They have helped many times when I was writing a paper. The writing lab allows for students to have great feedback about their writing, and on how to making their writing better. The KML database allows for students to find a book on any subject that they could ever imagine possible. With these two sources students, can make their reading and writing skills grow. One last tip that I would give about reading and writing, is that it is always important to exercise those skills and to keep working on them.

The picture is one I found on the website called, “MomItForward,” which I found on Bing by typing in reading and writing.


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