The Benefits of Reading

Image of a Parent and a child's hands in front of a book, they are reading together.

Reading is something that can change a person’s perspective, teach a person, or even allow a person to truly be themselves. Reading is something that can truly change a person, for the better. It allows a person to experience and explore different subjects and topics at their own fingertips. There are many types of books a person can chose to read, so the options are unlimited. With all the different books that exist today, it is hard to not find a book that every person individually can enjoy. Reading is something that allows a person to grow, both in their literary skills and sharpen their mental skills. Reading books is a practice that has many benefits that come along with it. Different types of reading can help grow and develop different skills. The possibilities are honestly endless.

People are busy in their everyday life, and sometimes do not have the time to just sit down and read, but it is important to make time for reading. There are many different types of reading that a person can do, whether it is just sitting down to enjoy their favorite novel, or if they are sitting down to read and study from their textbook. All reading has different benefits and value in a person’s life. Reading from a textbook allows a person to grow in their knowledge of a subject, and to learn facts they did not know beforehand. It can be a studying tool also for a person, especially if that person is a student. It allows a person to take their time making notes, in a way that they can understand the material. Reading a novel is another type of reading. This type of reading allows a person to sit back, relax, and enjoy their chose of book. A person can choose from many different genres of books when it comes to novels. This form of reading allows a person an escape from reality and a chance to just rest. Another form of reading can be reading the newspaper. This form of reading can allow a person to get caught up on major topics and current events. Most of the time this form of reading it shorter than other forms of reading, but it does allow a person to be knowledgeable about the world around them, and what is going on in it. Those three forms of reading are only the tip of the iceberg, there are many other types of reading that a person can enjoy.

Although reading is something that can be hard to fit into a schedule sometimes, it is well worth it. Along with reading, there comes many benefits. Some benefits that reading provides is mental stimulation, stress reduction, knowledge, memory improvement, and vocab expansion. An article called, 10 Benefits of Reading: Why You Should Read Everyday”  lists the top ten benefits of reading, and why a person should read every day. Although the article only lists ten benefits such as better writing skills, memory improvement, and vocab expansion, there are many more benefits besides those listed. This article can be found on a webpage called Lifehack, under the article name “10 Benefits of Reading: Why You Should Read Everyday”. This article discusses some of the benefits that reading provides, and how that benefit can affect a person. It goes in depth and describes the top ten benefits of reading and how these benefits help a person to better their life.

Reading is not something that a person always has to do alone, or for their own benefit. One type of reading that a parent should make part of their daily schedule, is reading to their child. This allows a parent to bond with their child, and to help their child develop early literary skills. It will also teach their child how it is important to make time in their day for them to read. Reading to a child at a young age, before they can read themselves, has shown to help with their brain development as they grow up. An article called, “I is for infant: Reading aloud to young children benefits brain development” says, “DR. PAMELA HIGH, American Academy of Pediatrics: What we’re addressing is that many parents in the United States don’t seem to have the knowledge that there’s a wonderful opportunity available to them starting very early, an opportunity for them to begin building their child’s language development and to forge their own relationship with their child through reading to them on a regular basis.” This article is an interview that talks about how reading to a child at a young age can help their brain develop more rapidly, and will allow a child to be more capable of learning at an older age. This article can be found on the PBS Newshour website.

Although many people do not want to make time for reading in their own life, this shows how important it is to at least make reading a part of a child’s life. Reading can stimulate a person’s brain and cause them to grow in ways they never thought possible. Reading is something that is, and will always be important.

The photo can be found at the National Reading Campaign website.





Reading and Writing Feedback


When a student goes through school they learn how to read and write from day one. Reading and writing, are both tasks that are crucial in everyday life. For a person to be able to do anything in life now a day, they must know how to read and write. They are both abilities that take time to learn and develop. They are never something a student or person can learn overnight. It takes years to develop proper reading and writing skills. It is something that a student must work at, and strive hard to keep growing in. These skills will help a student to grow and change into a better worker. They are the kind of skills that an employer expects to be perfected in the job field.

Before getting a job though, a student must pass all their classes and graduate form college first. Along with reading and writing comes studying and keeping passing grades. For that to happen a student must plan their time thoroughly, and use it wisely. Teachers and schools are always pushing students to do better with their writing and reading, and to always challenge themselves. This push can sometimes cause a student to do better, or to do worse sometimes, but one thing that can help with that is getting a “second pair of eyes”. Some might wonder what I mean by this. What I mean by getting a “second pair of eyes,” is that after writing a paper for any class, it is good to have another person proof read it and check the paper. The reason for this, is because a student does not always have an abundance of time to re-read their paper a million times, to make sure that everything is right in the paper. Plus, a student will not always catch something that might be misspelled or a grammatical error, if they have read the same paper over and over many times. A person’s eyes sometimes start to skip over mistakes if they get tired, or look at the same paragraph multiple times. It is always important for a student to get help on a paper when they need it. If a student does not get help right away, they might forget and turn in the paper unrevised.

Many colleges have resources that will help their students to succeed. A school always want to have the most top notch students that they can get, so they provide resources that will help their students to do their best work. The University of Indianapolis provides many resources for its students to use, to get better at reading and writing. One source that the college provides for students is the writing lab. The highlighted blue print that says writing lab, will take a student to the University of Indianapolis website, and to a tab called writing lab under the student page.  This tab then gives all the students at Uindy the hours and dates that the writing lab is open for them to use. This lab is a place where a student who is struggling or needs their paper revised can go. There are students in there that specialize is writing and reading. This allows a student opportunities to correct and fix their work, before they turn it in for a final grade.

Another resource that is helpful with reading and writing a research paper is the KML database. This link, which a student can find by going to the University of Indianapolis and clicking on the page that says library, can get a student to the online library database. This database can assist a student in writing their paper, and finding reliable sources. It allows a student to have books at their fingertips, whenever a student might need a book. It allows a student easy access to a wide variety of books without having to run around the library. This database comes in handy when a student needs to find a specific topic for a paper and cannot find it. It allows them to have all books relating to a topic on one page.

These are both sources that I would suggest to any student on campus. They have helped many times when I was writing a paper. The writing lab allows for students to have great feedback about their writing, and on how to making their writing better. The KML database allows for students to find a book on any subject that they could ever imagine possible. With these two sources students, can make their reading and writing skills grow. One last tip that I would give about reading and writing, is that it is always important to exercise those skills and to keep working on them.

The picture is one I found on the website called, “MomItForward,” which I found on Bing by typing in reading and writing.


Studying On A New Level


Being able to read and read effectively is two different tasks at hand. Reading effectively is something that must be learned over time. It is not something that can be learned over night. Learning how to read effectively is something that is vital to be able to learn and absorb material. Something that I would give advice on is a topic such as, how to study material and maintain that material too. The advice that I wish I had be given, is that when trying to read a textbook to study, a student needs to take each paragraph step-by-step, to dissect the text and to understand the text.

Trying to read a textbook to study can be an ominous task for a student to do. It can be tiring and time consuming, and it can be something not all students have time to sit down and do every night. So, that is why it is important to have tips on how to go about reading and studying from a textbook. One tip that I would give on how to take notes and study from a textbook, is compare the facts and topics in the textbook to the notes in the material that a professor or teacher gives a student, and highlight those topics specifically in the textbook so that a student knows what to read and focus on. When a student goes back to review for a test and looks in their textbook for a specific note or fact they will know where to find it, because they took the time to mark what facts were needed for studying. An article called, Tips for Effective Reading suggests that any prior knowledge of a topic you are reading about, and linking new material with your past experience will help you read more effectively, which is from the UNSW Sydney school website in an article called, “Tips for Effective Reading”. This article backs up how it is important to tie prior material from a professor to new material or different material in a textbook. Material is important whether it is from a professor’s lecture, or from a student looking up information in a textbook, but it I always important to remember to tie it all together for thorough understanding.

Another tip that is important for a student studying from a textbook is how to take effective notes to study from later. It is important for a student to date their notes, so that they know what date they took them and so they are able to plan out their reading. It is also important for a student to rephrase what they learn, so that they can study in a manner that they will retain the information, and in a way that makes since to them. If a student does not understand what they have taken notes on, their own notes will not be helpful to them later. Everyone learns different, so a student needs to know how to write material down in a way that they can comprehend the material. An article called, Tooling and Studying: Effective Reading and Note-Taking,” says, “Paraphrasing instead of writing verbatim – writing in your own words, except for formulas, definitions, and specific facts (i.e. involving dates), which should be recorded exactly as in the text,” which is from the school MIT’S website. This shows how writing material in a person’s own words is important to study in an effective way.

Another tip I would make is that it is important for a student to read and study with a purpose. If a student goes into studying from a textbook without knowing what to study, they will sit there debating on what to study for hours. It is always important to have a goal set and to meet that goal, and to also achieve that goal. Students do not have much time in the day to waste, so it is important for the student to have their mind set on what is important in the material. The article “Tips for Effective Reading” says, “Successful study at uni is often about meeting competing demands and deadlines, so you need to get the most out of your reading in the limited time available. Before you begin, make sure you have identified a) the purpose for doing the reading and b) what you need to achieve”.

There are many important tips when it comes to reading in an effective manner, but is important to learn what works for a person individually. The same tips will not always work for different people. It is important to study and try out different tips for effective reading. Studying is something that must be learned and taught over time. Learning how to do it effectively is important, especially from a textbook. This is some tips that I would suggest for students, and that I wish I had during high school to help me.





The Giving Book


Reading is something that allows a person an escape from the real word. It allows for a person to become something else if they want to, at least for a short period of time. Reading is an art that can take a person’s mind to another world, place, or a different person’s life. It allows people to see a subject from someone else’s point-of-view, besides their own for once. Reading is something that can be captivating, adventurous, heartwarming, or heartbreaking. There are no limits to writing, or what a person can read. Many things that I have encountered in my life have influenced and shaped the reader I am today such as my family, school, and many different books.

Family shapes a person in many different ways, from their beliefs and morals to even how they clean. One particular person in my family has helped shape the reader I am today, which would be my mother. My mother and I have both always been very close to each other. I remember how she used to sit on my bed with me at night and read me Junie B. Jones books and the New Testament of the Bible. I loved how she would sit and read me Junie B. Jones because I loved hearing about a character my age who was always up to something new the next book. The young character was always getting herself into trouble around each corner, and that is something that a young child can connect to in a book. There is one particular quote from the book series by the author Barbara Park says, “A little glitter can turn your whole day around,” that stood out to me as a little girl, which I found on Good Reads webpage, and the quote is by Barbara Park. It tells a person that a little thing can change your day from gloomy and sad to happy. My mother and I would also go back and forth reading the New Testament to each other. We would do so because at my church if you read all of that part of the bible you earned a title called Honor Star, were I got to wear a pretty white dress and got to earn a crown. Reading has always been the way my mother and I have connected. She used to tell me about the times that she was growing up in Kentucky back in the hollers in the 1960s, and how she would read Nancy Drew. It helped our relationship grow as mother and daughter.

Family is important, but it is not the only aspect of my life that has helped me develop into the reader I am today. Another aspect that has been crucial in my development in reading was school and a teacher named Mrs. Carver. When I was younger I struggled with reading quite a bit. I was put into a lower reading group in my class, but got bored with the simple books too fast, so the teacher did not know where to place me. My teacher insisted on me taking reading lessons after school, so I did. I took the classes for a couple of weeks and started growing as a reader. Mrs. Carver, the teacher that helped me, taught me how to increase my reading skills and showed me that I could grow in my reading skills as a student. She was kind, compassionate, and took the time with me to teach me. She knew I struggled, but she still had patience with me no matter how difficult of a time I was having. Because of Mrs. Carver I started reading above my grade level and started loving reading even more.

Another aspect of my life that helped me grow as a reader was a book I read called “The Giving Tree,” it taught me many life lessons and showed me how a story in a book can truly get a message across.  The book The Giving Tree is a book that carried great impact on me, which I found on YouTube on the Reading Pioneers page, and it is called The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein Read Aloud. I read the book so many times that I have lost count. It teaches a person many lessons throughout life and how every little action matters. It shows how a relationship between two people or things can change over time. People will change, grow, and adapt over time. People will never always be exactly the same as they once were. Life goes on and so do people, but it is always important to stay true to who you are.

Many things have changed me as a reader throughout my life. I have changed in my reading abilities and developed them over the years. My reading skills will constantly be changing and developing. I will always continue to love reading and how books influence my life as a person. Books are an impactful thing, and they can book lights of hope for people.

The photo was one that I personally took with my own camera. It was a project for my senior project in high school.